ZOA - HCF Crossfire

Event Summary

Departure Airport: N/A
Arrival Airport: N/A
Route: N/A
Date: 08/21/19 20:00:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

We thought it was about time, that we joined our brothers off shore and joined forces to create a crossfire like no other, a crossfire that includes a large body of water. Please join us on Saturday for our first event in quite some time with our HCF brothers. So why not take the afternoon off and hang out with the best the west coast has to offer.
Our plan is that we will have staffing for the first 2-3 hours at both SFO/HNL for your departures with Oakland radio coming online to join you in the middle, then the last 2-3 hours for the arrivals at both airports.

Time: Departures 1PM PDT - 3PM PDT
Arrivals 5PM PDT - 8PM PDT (Staying on as req. for late arrivals).

Airports featured: SFO - San Francisco, HNL - Honolulu

From SVA

Southwest Virtual Airlines does not operate any flights between San Francisco and Honolulu, but that doesn't mean we can't join in on the Crossfire fun! Let's join in by departing from either San Jose or Oakland and get caught up in this Crossfire!