Baltimore Fly-in

Event Summary

Departure Airport: N/A
Arrival Airport: KBWI
Route: N/A
Date: 06/26/21 19:00:00Z (GMT)

Event Attendance

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Events Details

Join us as we fly into Baltimore on June 26th at 1400 CDT(1900Z)! In this event, we will have 30 pilots flying into BWI from all sectors! With 1 arrival every minute, the airport will be packed with traffic. Please sign up by 6/19! Expect the event brief to be sent out on discord and linked here 2 days prior to the event.

To sign up, simply look at the spreadsheet linked below, note 2 flight numbers you would like, and fill out the google form also linked below. If you have any questions email

Sign Up Spreadsheet:

Sign Up Google Form: