2019 Preakness Stakes

Event Summary

Departure Airport: N/A
Arrival Airport: N/A
Route: N/A
Date: 05/18/19 18:00:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

Location: KBWI-Baltimore
Time: 1800z-2200z | 14:00est-18:00est

Come visit KBWI as we host "The Second Jewel of the Triple Crown," Preakness Stakes! The Preakness Stakes is an annual thoroughbred horse race held at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland. It is the second leg in the Triple Crown series following the well known Kentucky Derby. First run in 1873, the Preakness Stakes is full of history, Maryland heritage, excitement, and pumping adrenaline as the thunder roars from the lightning quick horses.