Feel the LUV FNO

Event Summary

Departure Airport: KPHX
Arrival Airport: KDAL
Date: 02/14/20 23:30:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

Join Southwest Virtual in our annual Valentine's Day HQ Fly-in! We have been invited by ZFW to bring as many pilots as we can to fly into Dallas Love! Make sure you bring along extra snacks and beverages to hand out because it'll be a busy airspace going in!

From ZFW

Join ZFW on 14FEB2020, from 23:59Z - 04:00Z for our annual Feel The Love @ Dallas Love event! This year we have decided to include Dallas Fort Worth International airport and make this our first FNO of the year. Spend the loveliest day of the year with a flight into one of two Dallas airports for four continuous hours of full ATC!

Time Conversion:

02/14/2020 @ 1900 EST (7PM)