50 in 20 Overload

Event Summary

Departure Airport: N/A
Arrival Airport: KDEN
Route: N/A
Date: 12/19/20 21:20:00Z (GMT)

Event Attendance

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Events Details

Check your email, big event planned. This will be the first ever joint event with virutalswa.com. For more information, refer to the email sent out by the engagement team. We will have full ATC staffing, including Center, APP, Tower, Ramp, and the Command Center! As well, event will be on the website soon. Please RSVP for your slot booking ASAP!! For instructions please read the email. This will be the most realistic event in VATSIM history; come join us and be a part of it! See you there!

We will be posting updates as the event nears the start date.