California Surfin' 2.0

Event Summary

Departure Airport: KOAK
Arrival Airport: KPSP
Date: 07/20/21 23:59:00Z (GMT)

Event Attendance

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Events Details

Around this time last year, we did a group flight from San Diego to Sacramento called California Surfin'. This year we are doing Oakland to Palm Springs! Expect full ATC coverage and lots of traffic, as we had last year. We will depart Oakland around 1900 CDT on July 20th and arrive in Palm Springs about 1 hour later.

Please confirm attendance by reacting to the message in the event_announcements channel in discord. (If you are not in the discord, join it in with the link in the POH! No worries if you are not able to, still come and fly with us!)

Congrats to Chris W on being first to suggest an event leg on the discord!