#HonoringHerb Annual Memorial Flight

Event Summary

Departure Airport: KDAL
Arrival Airport: KDAL
Route: Crossfire
Date: 01/03/21 21:00:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

Stop and think; it has been two years since the loss of Herb, our great inspiration and Southwest Airlines' great founder. What better way to honor Herb than with a group flight consisting of loyal virtual pilots from Southwest Virtual Airlines. After all, without Herb, there wouldn't be a Southwest Airlines, nor a Southwest Virtual Airlines!

There is one thing that has defined Southwest as a Company since day one: Heart. There is no doubt that Herb was at the center of that Heart, filling it with his friendly management style, love of parties, and publicity stunts. By creating a fun and rewarding workplace, Herb was largely responsible for Southwest’s myriad of awards and recognitions; Fortune magazine named Southwest the Best Place to Work in America in 1998. His love for business was as big as his love for life.

Herb led Southwest Airlines, first as the Company’s Cofounder and legal counsel from 1966 to 1982, then as President, CEO, and Chairman from 1982 to 2001. During his tenure, Herb Kelleher produced the highest return to shareholders of any company in the S&P 500. In 2001, at the age of 70, Kelleher retired from his positions as President and CEO, and continued to serve as Chairman until 2008. Herb will always be a part of the Southwest family. He will be remembered for his leadership, laughter, and above all, his Heart.


This event will consist of a crossfire-style set of flights allowing pilots to select their routes, and the number of routes to be flown. This crossfire will take place in the Southwest Triangle, consisting of:

-Dallas Love Field (KDAL)
-Houston Hobby (KHOU)
-San Antonio (KSAT)

VATSIM ATC coverage is to be expected, coving all applicable terminal areas, TRACON environments, and ARTCC environments. This will be provided to us from the vZFW and vZHU controlling agencies. Please thank them for their time and service for their controlling of these sectors for this event!


Start Date: 01/03/2021 (January 03, 2021)
Start Date (ZULU): 01/03/2021 (January 03, 2021)

Start Time: 1500 CDT (3:00 PM Central)
Start Time (ZULU): 2100Z (9:00 PM UTC)