No Hate For The Max8

Event Summary

Departure Airport: N/A
Arrival Airport: N/A
Route: N/A
Date: 03/20/21 00:00:00Z (GMT)

Event Attendance

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Events Details

It has been two years since the unfortunate grounding of the 737 MAX aircraft in the United States by the FAA. Now, it is time for them to take to the skies again for Southwest! We will be having an event on Saturday, March 20th all day to welcome the MAX8's back to service after a lengthy grounding and many test flights/updates to the airplane. To get in on the action, go to the spreadsheet link below, find a flight that you can make that day, and email to claim your leg. There are no P-Times or EDCT'S for this event, just fly when you can! We hope that there will be other pilots in the Event Flight Discord voice chat all day and we can all discuss the MAX as we fly! We know not every simulator has a MAX airplane yet, so feel free to fly an -800 rockin the Heart livery instead. We cant wait to see you all there, grab your slot before it is too late!

Booking Table:

Email any questions to or message a member of the engagement team on discord!