Operation Good Cheer

Event Summary

Departure Airport: KDTW
Arrival Airport: KDTW
Route: Pilot's Choice
Date: 12/05/21 17:00:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

We celebrate 50 Years of Making Christmas Wishes Come True for Children in Foster Care!

50 years! To think that this organization has been helping children for that long is amazing! Now for those that don't know what I'm talking about, each year the Child and Family services of Michigan hosts it's annual "Operation Good Cheer" event!

This year continues the 50 year celebrations, where thousands of volunteers gather to help with this HUGE event! It starts with those packing and wrapping presents, to the many truckers sending them over to be eventually flown out of Oakland-Pontiac, flying to various local airports around Michigan. At each airport, agency volunteers then gather gifts to deliver to children and youth currently in foster care. This gives thousands of kids gifts, some who may have not received anything at all!

Thanks to the 76 foster care agencies that participated, they were able to fulfill Christmas wishes for 7,159 foster children across Michigan last year. Their biggest year ever!

So come and join us on Sunday, December 5th as we staff up KPTK (and possibly more!! More details will come!!)

Also I strongly encourage you to learn more about this event, and help them out!


Note: This event is NOT affiliated with the REAL operation good cheer, and is only meant to bring awareness to their amazing efforts to help children in need.