It's just LUV

Event Summary

Departure Airport: KHOU
Arrival Airport: KPHX
Date: 05/14/23 23:30:00Z (GMT)

Event Attendance

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Events Details

We're excited to have you join us for this flight, departing at 6 CST/ 7 EST PM. The Houston Crew Base Manager and myself has came together to make this happen we would love to have you come fly with us.

We will be departing Houston Hobby TX to Phoenix AZ, May 14th. We will have ATC staffed the night of this event so we hope to see you show up!

This event is a collaboration with Texan Simulations. Texan Simulations will be giving away 4 copies of their new HOU scenery for MSFS if you fly into or out of HOU during this event.

Please expect a Google form in the HOU ATIS. You will be expected to enter contact information into that form. If you are selected, you'll receive an email from who will guide you through the process of getting the scenery. Good luck!

zHOU will be staffed.

KHOU Discount available to Southwest Virtual Pilots!

Check out the #⁠texan_simulations discord channel for discount information!

As always,

Happy Landings!